Friday, December 30, 2011

11th Hour Blog Updates -- June Done!

Well, I managed to get the blogs updated through June just before the year ends. :) Looking back at June, I realized it was a year since I went part-time, and I have never regretted my decision. I am eternally grateful that I have the opportunity to spend more time with my kids while also still make a dollar (it at least pays for day-care and taxes!) and have "grown-up time".

Happy kids = happy mom = happy kids


Claire continues to amaze me by what she's learning. Take karate for example -- she's memorized creeds (phrases I have trouble remembering!), perfected forms, and shows amazing discipline and listening skills. I thought that three might be a little young to start something so structured, but she's definitely shown me how wrong I was and look forward to watching her continue to grow.

I really like seeing how other students mentor each other

Gavin's still a momma's boy, which is both a blessing and a curse. He's inquisitive, brave, and a great tagalong to all the activities the kids attend.

Patiently watching karate class

Zong officially moved to Dallas in June which is great! I know he's busy with his residency, but it's still nice to know he's nearby. Funny moment recently: I told him that if there's a zombie apocolypse, he should definitely join up with us to be safe because we could use a doctor in our group ... to which he replied, "plus I'm your brother". Oh, well, yeah, there's that. Of course we want you, Zong!

I feel pretty

Check out the kids blogs and the June album online!
June album

Thursday, December 8, 2011

May Blogs Done!

Here I am at the end of the year, and I'm finally getting around to finishing the May blog updates. As I shiver in the cold (yes, northerners, 40's is COLD), I look at all the spring pictures and look forward to the warmer weather again!

Some highlights in May ...

Mother's Day at The Fields.
A perfect day of beautiful weather with my beautiful family.

Claire's first dance recital. We were so proud of her!

Gavin got hand-foot-mouth,
but it wasn't enough to actually wean him

Co-hosted Nina's baby shower in NYC. Love you, Dopey!

Dwo's graduation from UT at Austin.
Good for you for following your dream.
Congrats, baby bro, and we look forward to your future successes!

Please check out the kids blogs and the various albums from May ... and look forward to the June updates soon(ish)!

Monday, November 21, 2011

April Blogs (Finally!) Done

Yes, I realize it's been two months since I last worked on the blogs which means that I continue to fall farther behind. Here is where I finally admit that trying to maintain a separate blog for each kid was probably a little bit over-promising, but you gotta shoot for the stars, right?

Looking back, the highlight of April was probably the Easter weekend trip to Rough Creek Lodge in Glen Rose, TX. It was a rare vacation where I actually felt rested and ... vacationed? ... afterwards! The food was amazing, the service was impeccable, and the kids had a great time. We had such a great time, we've decided to make it an annual tradition -- friends welcome!

Other than that, we spent a lot of time outdoors enjoying the weather and continued to have fun.

All the details are in the kids blogs ... 9 postings total. Enjoy!

Claire's blog
Gavin's blog
April Photo Album
Easter in Glen Rose album

Monday, September 19, 2011

March Blogs DONE

Yes, I realize it's already September and I'm just getting around to updating the kids' blogs in March ... so sue me (no, don't, I'm only working part-time and really like what money I actually make). As I looked through the March pics, a few things jumped out at me as my March highlights ...

We had an all-too-rare moms night out with the girls from Claire's playgroup. It was a going-away dinner for Cathy G who moved back to Colorado to be closer to family, and we also celebrated Tina's birthday.

Our family got to attend Sesame Street Live at the Ambit Energy suite in the Verizon Theatre. What a great company perk! James also took the kids to see Thomas a couple of months later.

The Pees/Parks had our annual Spring outing, and the Arboretum was beautiful as usual. It was extra-special this year with the dads attending as well.

Gavin got his first haircut and has had a few since. It shocks me how quickly the kids grow! We're still working on having him actually sit in the chair by himself ... it's getting better. Claire has become a pro, just calmly sitting in the seat without moving for the duration of her haircut.

Even though I was horribly sick on my birthday, it was still special one with both James' and my parents in town to celebrate quietly at home (just the way I like it!). Thirty-three has been just fine, though I admit that I almost corrected someone when they said I was 33 in June because I honestly thought I was still 32. I've got two kids; no time for aging!

The kids had their Spring school pics. They turned out ok. Claire's would have been great except that her headband was across her forehead, reminiscent of a 70's throwback, and Gavin was pouty and all scratched up. But they sure were cute! They ended up getting re-takes that I sat on the side and helped wrangle.

Check out the kids blogs to see what they've been up to!
Claire's Blog
Gavin's Blog
March Pics

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I'm on a roll! Blogs to Feb

February blog postings have also been posted! This time, I even managed to get a couple of videos included. Pretty cool, huh?

Reflecting back on February, the crazy snow week definitely stands out. I managed to stay at home with the kids for seven days straight without leaving the house, a feat previously incomprehensible, but actually not that bad in actuality. We did lots of the usual (arts and crafts, playrooms, baking) plus some extra to fill in the gaps (bounce houses, blanket forts, and snowball fights!).

A huge event was Claire turning three. She has grown up so much over the last year, and it's hard to face the fact that she's not my little baby anymore. She's talking in full sentences (paragraphs sometimes!), making tons of decisions on her own from what to wear and what she wants to eat, and teaching her baby brother everything she knows. At the same time, I feel like I am probably tougher on her because I think of her as so much older than Gavin ... and then I realize she's only three!

I can't wait to get the blogs up to date to July so that you can see what the kids have been up to the last four months since these Feb postings -- karate, dance recitals, swimming, family trips, and more!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

January Blog Postings DONE

FINALLY posted the January blog updates for the kids. I know, I know, it's now July, but what spare time I have doesn't seem to be devoted to sitting in front of a computer for recreational purposes.

That being said, I honestly love going through the pictures of the month and picking out a handful that I think others would like to see. Picking out the pictures themselves is an art. It's a blend of what's good photographically-speaking (composition, lighting, all that jazz), what does the best in capturing all the events of the past month, and what I think others would actualy be interested in looking through. As I pick out each picture, I have a silent monologue of the caption that would post right underneath the picture in the voice of each child because I've been told it's the captions that really express the moment.

It also gives me a few minutes to reflect on how much I love my family and am so proud of them. It makes me appreciate my friends and feel blessed at everything we have. It forces me to actually enjoy the moments that seem to pass all too quickly and to give each memory a moment of respect to acknowledge how it has helped to shape who I am today.

Plus, I get to re-smile at pictures like this:

This is me ... as soon through Claire's eyes and drawn by Claire's hand

Don't forget you can check out pictures from January in our album online!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Match Day

March 17th was a big day for our family -- must be the Irish in us. Joking. Actually, Thu, 3/17 was Match Day for all the med students across the country. It's a pretty complicated (and stressful!) process that all culminates in this one morning of announcments.

Our family spent the morning watching the presentations for the Wash U students online. Zong's school does an awesome job where they do a webcast of each student receiving their letter on stage and reading the results live in front of their friends and family. It was incredibly touching to see the excitement and joy on the faces of these students who have worked so hard and achieved so much.

I ended up watching it from beginning through the end even after Zong was done because I felt so honored to be a witness to these couples finding out that they're matched in the same city, families discovering where they'll be living for the next 4-8 years, and ... drum roll ... hearing that Zong is going to be spending some quality here in our very own Dallas! Zong matched for Plastic Surgery here at UT Southwestern which, incidentally, was his first choice in locations. So not only will he be close by, he's one smart cookie that his #1 wanted him, too!

So proud of you, Dr. Zong, and can't wait to have you here in Dallas! No pressure to hang out with us ever, but at least you know that you'll always have family nearby, a room to crash, meals to share, fridges to raid, and hugs ready to give.

P.S. If I'd known my dad was going to take a picture (well, duh, what was I thinking?!), I would have taken video of the annoucement instead!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Merchant Prince (working title)

Support my baby brother Dwo as he sets off to create a film of his very own!

Any monetary donations $250+ are tax-deductible through the University of Texas at Austin, but only by check. You can also donate with cc from his website, and every donation comes with a "thank you" item.

The Merchant Prince blog

Email Dwo (Huay-Bing Law) for more info



Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bookstore Update

Something I'm trying to catch up with is all of the photo books that are long overdue. Without furthur ado, I have three new books from 2010.

Visit My Bookstore

Cathy Baradell's Caring Bridge
I took Cathy's Caring Bridge site and made it into a book. I wanted to make sure I -- as well as her family and friends -- had physical access to her spirit and last days.

June 2009 - Phoenix, AZ
Pictures from our Law Family trip to Phoenix, AZ. You can also read Claire's account on her blog. I made a small accident with this book and selected 12x12 inches instead of 7x7 inches. Imagine my surprise when I went to order it and discovered my mistake! I tried to change the size of the book, but, alas, I would have needed to start from scratch to move everything over to 7x7. Given that it was a good year after the trip that I got around to putting together the book, I figured I'd punt and just enjoy us in megasize!

San Antonio, TX - Sept 2010
One of our two Law Family trips last year. I went a new direction and took the text from the kids' blogs to be the text in the book; might as well take advantage of the fact that I actually wrote some stuff down (albeit months late!). Here's Claire's account as well as Gavin's blog, which I just updated a week or two ago. I have to admit, it certainly saved me time, plus I managed to sneak the book into the first tier of pages/price range. Woo-hoo! The only bummer was that I didn't ge any pictures with the whole family this time around. Hopefully we did a better job at our second 2010 Law Family Trip (the pictures for which I haven't even looked at yet).

Happy shopping!

Welcome back!

Okay, so it's been awhile since I posted. In fact, I just published three entries (June, July, and October 2010) that I started and never finished. I'll also go ahead and admit that I didn't re-read or proofread them just now before I published them, but at least they're out there. I'm going to try and post more often, especially those funny little stories that I'm constantly telling about the kids. I'm not out for a Pulitzer; just looknig for a way to record the highlights of life.

So, come back often, dear friend.