Thursday, December 8, 2011

May Blogs Done!

Here I am at the end of the year, and I'm finally getting around to finishing the May blog updates. As I shiver in the cold (yes, northerners, 40's is COLD), I look at all the spring pictures and look forward to the warmer weather again!

Some highlights in May ...

Mother's Day at The Fields.
A perfect day of beautiful weather with my beautiful family.

Claire's first dance recital. We were so proud of her!

Gavin got hand-foot-mouth,
but it wasn't enough to actually wean him

Co-hosted Nina's baby shower in NYC. Love you, Dopey!

Dwo's graduation from UT at Austin.
Good for you for following your dream.
Congrats, baby bro, and we look forward to your future successes!

Please check out the kids blogs and the various albums from May ... and look forward to the June updates soon(ish)!

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