Sunday, July 24, 2011

January Blog Postings DONE

FINALLY posted the January blog updates for the kids. I know, I know, it's now July, but what spare time I have doesn't seem to be devoted to sitting in front of a computer for recreational purposes.

That being said, I honestly love going through the pictures of the month and picking out a handful that I think others would like to see. Picking out the pictures themselves is an art. It's a blend of what's good photographically-speaking (composition, lighting, all that jazz), what does the best in capturing all the events of the past month, and what I think others would actualy be interested in looking through. As I pick out each picture, I have a silent monologue of the caption that would post right underneath the picture in the voice of each child because I've been told it's the captions that really express the moment.

It also gives me a few minutes to reflect on how much I love my family and am so proud of them. It makes me appreciate my friends and feel blessed at everything we have. It forces me to actually enjoy the moments that seem to pass all too quickly and to give each memory a moment of respect to acknowledge how it has helped to shape who I am today.

Plus, I get to re-smile at pictures like this:

This is me ... as soon through Claire's eyes and drawn by Claire's hand

Don't forget you can check out pictures from January in our album online!

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