Tuesday, July 6, 2010


We did something pretty wild and kooky this weekend ... we went down to Austin. Well, okay, that wasn't the wild and kooky thing. What made it so crazy is that we did it so spontaneously. As in no planning. As in "hmm, we're leaving Evan's birthday party; want to go do now? Go to Austin? Sure!". Seriously.

All we had with us was a diaper bag (with three clean diapers apiece, thank goodness), Gavin's lunch, and ... well, I guess that's really it. We were already over in Watauga, so we simply jumped on 377, 820, and found ourselves on I-35W headed to Austin.

Claire was pooped from the party and immediately fell asleep. Gavin wasn't too happy the first few miles, but we stopped at a Starbucks parking lot to feed and change him, then I squished myself into the back between the kiddos and fed him his jar food before practically draping myself over him in the car seat to put him to sleep. Blissful silence. And even though both kids woke up before we made it to Austin, we didn't have to make any stops before getting to the Pees'!

Luckily, both the Pees (George, Christina, and James) and the Law/Lius (Dwo, Crystal, and Kirby) were in town and free to hang out.

Of course, not having actually packed anything, we needed to get our victuals once we got to Austin. After Claire and James played for a little while, we headed out for a group trip to Target. James and I were very pleasantly surprised with the very reasonable prices for clothing, although, $350 later, we wondered how in the world we spent so much! It wasn't just 2 days worth of clothes though: diapers, jar food, sippy cup, cereal, pjs, phone charger, phone cover (mine broke on the way down), makeup, toiletries ... just think about everything you normally pack for a weekend away and imagine having to buy it all.

I won't bother going into the details of the actual trip; I'll let the kids tell that part. :) I just wanted to make sure I made note of the pretty cool thing that we did.

Claire's account

Gavin' account

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