Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cause, Effect, and the Fear Factor

We've been working on teaching Claire cause and effect for awhile now. If you do this then you'll get this. When you (yadda yadda) then (something something).

I also find myself taking it to a new level by introducing hyperbole. More than just "If ... Then", it's become "If ... Then ... AND"! So "If you eat that rubber band, then you might choke" becomes "and we'll have to cut it out with scissors". Or "If you don't brush your teetch, then your teeth might turn brown" ... "and ants might come eat your teeth while you sleep at night!". Okay, okay, not exactly parent of the year material, but it gets her to do it!

I have not, however, introduced her to the fear of monsters and the dark, but it seems as though she's discovering the potential there all by herself. The other day, she said she was afraid of the monster in the dark, and I asked her who taught her about monsters in the dark (after telling her that we scared away any monsters that might be there) and she said, "Franklin". Yes, Franklin the turtle ... the one that's afraid of the dark but learned that he could take a flashlight into his dark shell so that he's not as afraid. Yeah, thanks, Franklin.

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