Monday, October 26, 2009


I figured I'd put at the beginning the most important thing: the heart looks great. Overall, the cardiologist appointment this afternoon went really well. Dr. Kurichety is very personable, and he immediately put both James and I at ease. I got an EKG and a sonogram (of the heart, not the baby), and the results were perfect. The sonographer did give us a little peek of JJ at the end of my screening, and it was kind of funny because she kept finding the heart while she was looking for him. I guess that IS her job. :)

There was no reason to put me on a monitor since they only monitor for 24 hours, and since my episodes have happened so sporadically, there really isn't any need. The biggest concern would have been if they found something that would cause concern during labor and delivery or if I would need extra monitoring for the big day, but it doesn't look like there's anything to worry about at this time. I'm going to follow-up in about a month to see if there's still any concerns, but I'm so close at this point to having JJ (9 weeks to due date!), I think I'll just stick it out. The only thing would be if it gets worse before it gets better (a common theme with pregnancy, really), and then I call him.

In other news, I was able to take a full breath today which lead me to believe that JJ's starting to move down a little bit. Suddenly the mound that sat high in my chest is around my middle which is great. I can breath and nothing is beating up my bladder ... yet. He's moving a ton, which is really fun, and I can't wait to meet him!

I also bid my feet farewell this morning. It was raining so I figured I should wear my boots. I struggled with the socks and the boots and finally had to sit down to finish the task. Goodbye, feet, goodbye.

1 comment:

Corrie said...

I am so glad to hear everything is good. I have been thinking about you and am glad that u can now breath.