Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Baby Pee - 28-Week Appt

Had my Week 28 appointment with Dr. Jaffee today. It was supposed to be on Thursday, but I called the office this morning to get it moved up today because I was a little nervous -- okay, a LOT nervous -- that JJ was not moving around like his usual self.

Typically in the morning, right when I wake up and roll over, he gives me some strong good morning kicks and punches to say hello. Then, throughout the day, I get poked, prodded, and stretched by various arms, legs, elbows, and fingers as a reminder to who I'm carrying. Yesterday, when I woke up there was none of the usual, and then throughout the day, there were very few rumblings. I even took the time to stop at my desk to gaze and assess ... nothing. By the end of the day, I was getting a little trepiditious, so I got a 7-Up to try and wake him up with some sugar. Nothing except for some very light fluttering. Later in the evening, James went and bought me a variety of drinks to try and stimulate some movement; I went through orange juice and apple juice but nothing more than a bloated belly and a couple of tickles. Needless to say, sleeping was not restful or easy last night.

By this morning, the second morning that there were no morning calenthenics, I decided to call the doctor. Right when they opened at 9, I started dialing on my phone. I told the receptionist that I had an appointment on Thursday but wanted to see if they could fit me in today because I hadn't felt the baby move much the last 24 hours. She said she could get me an appointment later that day but put me on hold to talk to the nurse. She came back on the phone and asked how far along I was, and I told her "it's my 28th week", she relayed the message, and came back to tell me to come in immediately. Scary.

When they brought me in, we headed to the sonogram room after I gave my "sample" and found out that I gained 4 pounds in the last 3 weeks and confirmed that my blood pressure is a little high. Whoops. I blame the blood pressure on my nervousness but I admit the weight gain is all me. They hooked me up to the fetal monitor (you know, the one that squishes your stomach fat really tightly like doughboy rolls ... oh, you don't know? harrumph) so that it could document his heartbeat, and then I was given a trigger to push everytime I felt JJ move in the slightest. After about 15-17 LOOOOONG minutes of holding the trigger and monitor, waiting for bumps, and being entertained by James, Dr. Jaffee came back in to check the results and said 10 movements (even the slight ones) was pretty good for that time period but wanted to go ahead and have the sonographer come in.

The sonographer showed us that everything looked good -- at 27w2d, JJ's head is measuring at 26w6d, his femur bone at 28w2d, and he weighs about 2lb5oz -- which was definitely reassuring. I'll post the pictures from my various sonograms soon. My sugar test also came back with favorable results; the only thing is I need to take iron supplements which also happened with Claire (which James reminded me of since I had already blocked it out of my memory).

Whew! I'm hoping that's the last of the worries as I have enough to deal with as we go into this last trimester (ie "What should we name the baby?!" or "What do we do with Claire if I go into labor in the middle of the night?!").

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