Thursday, June 26, 2008

Separation Anxiety

Well, I did it! I survived a night -- in fact, three! -- away from Claire. Last weekend, Syndee came in town for a Girls' Weekend, and we headed to Southlake Town Square to have a sleepover with Nina on Friday and Saturday night. It was the first night that I wasn't there to put Claire to bed, and I found myself checking the clock thinking about what she might be doing now. It was also the first night in the last 5 months that I had the opportunity to sleep for more than 4 hours at a time straight (because you don't sleep well that last month of pregnancy either) ... and what do I do? Wake up every 4 hours to stare at the clock for a few minutes and find myself unable to sleep past 6. :)

Saturday night was better; not nearly as difficult. But I sure was ready to head home Sunday morning! Seeing her sweet, smiling face when I got home topped off an awesome weekend, and I am so grateful to Syndee, Nina, and Diana for realizing how much I needed to decompress and vent to my best girlfriends.

As for James, I heard that Friday night was pretty rough. It took over 2 hours to get Claire down, and they (he and his parents) finally resorted to the stroller. Saturday, however, was much better.

Then, this week, I had a business trip where I left early Tuesday morning and returned Wednesday night. Even though it was only a one-nighter, it was harder to leave because it was two full days instead of just one, I was out of town instead of just down the street, and I really missed two nights since I didn't get to put her to bed either day.

This morning, I was determined to hang out with her a few minutes before I went to work so I waited for her to wake up. What is it about babies and only sleeping when you don't want them to?! Usually Claire start stirring about 6:30, so at 6:20, I start waiting ... and waiting ... and then decided to get ready while I waited ... and waited .... 7:20 rolls around, and I'm getting antsy. FINALLY at 7:30 she pops her head up, looks around, and blesses me with a big smile.

Totally worth the wait.

Being away has been a good thing, I think, for all of us. James now has the confidence that he can take care of Claire on his own, Claire's more comfortable with Daddy, and Mommy doesn't feel the pressure as much anymore that she always needs to be available. Maybe I can pick up those weekday dinners with Corrie again!

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