Thursday, December 3, 2009

Baby Pee - 36-Week Appointment

Starting this week (and every week following), Dr. Jaffee is checking to see how I'm coming along. Just so folks know, it's NOT a comfortable exam ... think back to that first sonogram but more uncomfortable. :P

So where am I? Not dilated at all (I believe exact words were "still completely closed"), but he is definitely head down. Given that there just isn't room left for him to really move around, it's unlikely he'll be changing that position before he comes.

I asked whether he's dropped at all, and she said not really. Apparently second (and subsequent) babies tend to drop late and moms tend to efface late but dilate early. *shrug* She would know. :) I'm a little surprised that he hasn't engaged yet given that everytime he moves his head right now, I feel like I'm going to pee on myself, but I guess it's going to get worse before it gets better.

People at the office are starting to get nervous, I think. Besides the fact that I'm lumbering around and am as big as a house, I'm having problems in my right hip, so I'll suddenly stop while walking around to massage my hip (okay, my butt) and shake it out. Multiple times this week I had to ensure people that I was NOT in labor and was NOT having contractions ... but then how do you explain that I was just having aches, joint locking, nerve pinching pain in my right hip? Nobody wants to know that. I DO have the fear of my water breaking at work, though, which is why I'm going to try and work from home as much as I can until the baby is here. Ugh, can you just imagine?!

We're officially on baby watch! I've also got girlfriends at work and James at home on "Belly Watch" which means they have to make sure my outfit is covering my entire belly. You know you're at the end of the pregnancy where even your maternity shirts are too short, and no way do I want to be THAT person. :D


The Johnsons said...

There's no wanting to be "that person" but there's also the desire to not buy one more stupid maternity shirt. I remember getting to that point! Good luck and you are getting close!

Master Pee said...

good luck! jon and viv just had their little boy, xavier. so exciting!