Saturday, November 7, 2009

My Friend Charley

What could be more unpleasant than waking up to a pager (I'm on call this week) at 5:48am? Perhaps already being up when the pager went off because you're still coming off the rolling aches in your legs from getting a crazy charley horse in the middle of the night! And, I swear, this sucker was in a part of my leg that there is no muscle ... up and down the outside of the lower leg between the calf and shin?

I don't know if every woman gets them when they're pregnant, but I remember getting them with Claire. Back then, I would leap out of bed, flail around like crazy, stomp my legs, crack up laughing at the absurdity of it all, and walk it off. Couldn't exactly do the same thing this morning when I found myself struck while sleeping in Claire's bed (I fell asleep there at 9:30 last night while putting her to sleep; 3rd trimester narcolepsy) ... while trapped on the side closest to the wall ... with Claire somehow wormed to the end of the bed blocking the exit. Trapped in my own pretty, pretty pink pillow hell! I did manage, however, to leap up in bed -- surprisingly agile for a pregnant lady -- and stand up hugging the wall, shouting in silence.

After the 4th one subsided (because they come in waves), I managed to wiggle my way off the bed, reposition Claire in the bed, and headed off to my own bed where I stared at the windows (pregnancy forces side sleeping so no staring at the ceiling) for the next 45 minutes until the BRRRRRNNNNNNNGGGGG, BRRRRRNNNNNGGG of the pager jerked me awake just as I was drifting off.

As I was working the ticket, Claire woke up asking for Mommy. I figure this was a good trial run of what it will be like when we have 2. Drift off to sleep and the other wakes up; working one issue when another rises. Should be interesting.

Good news is, I was able to fix the ticket! I did call in moral support to talk me off the ledge, but I did figure out the solution myself. Yay! Off to ... well, I probably won't be going back to bed, but off to my next adventure.

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