Wednesday, September 30, 2009

John Bunn is Back

With cold and flu season running from October through April and all the craziness with this whole H1N1 swine flu, I knew it was just a matter of time before John Bunn (our "beloved" nebulizer) made his reappearance. Then, after Claire got her third fever in the month of September (every other weekend) along with the rattling in the chest, I knew that time was now.

The first time we took out the nebulizer this week, Claire freaked out ... screaming, crying, and scrambling to get away. It was awful, much like the first time all over again. The second time was better, and by the third, she was a champ. I'm so impressed by my little girl and how brave she is. She can effectively tell us, "Claire. Nose. Scared.", yet she will sit there and take deep breaths to inhale the smoke until we're "All Done! Yay!".

The last two September fever incidents, Claire got sick on Friday night or Saturday morning and was easily recovered by Monday. This time, it hit Monday morning, so James and I have been taking turns staying home from work to stay with her. The doctor found on Monday that she has strep, so she's on antibiotics, but no flu. However, the fever lingers, and I even had to pick her up from school today because she was fine all day until about 4:30pm when she got another fever after recesse.

Guess I'll be home again tomorrow! I think it would be more enjoyable if I weren't worried about her and trying to keep her semi-quarentined, but I love being home with Claire and believe she likes it, too, even if she does probably get bored of me by the end of the day. :)

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