Thursday, July 16, 2009

Baby Pee - 16-Week Appt

Just got back from Dr. Jaffee's for my 16-week appointment, and everything looks good. I haven't gained any weight yet (not sure if it's the lack of appetite or chasing around the toddler, but I'll take it) and my blood pressure is nice and low. Baby's heartbeat is strong and steady (150 bpm), and everything seems on track size-wise (based on the size of my uterus, I think). I was happy to tell her, yes, I've felt the baby flutter (last Friday) and look forward to feeling Baby move even more. Next symptoms I should be expecting between now and my next visit is round ligament pain, which I've already been having if I cough while laying on my side.

I think it's the "second baby syndrome" but the appointments seem to be freakishly short. Not because Dr. Jaffee isn't taking care of me, because she is, but because I don't have questions or concerns. I just go in there, get her caught up on any random things (ie the week of vomiting last month), and then we do the routine things before I'm outta there. 15 minutes tops. With Claire, I remember coming with lists in hand filled with question after question. Definitely a lot less anxiety this time around.

Next appointment is Tuesday, Aug 18th since both Dr. Jaffee and I will be out of town four weeks from today when my appointment shoud have been. The exciting thing is that, at the next appointment, we find out if it's a boy or girl!

People ask which one we want, and honestly it doesn't matter. A girl would be nice so that we can re-use everything we already have ... plus I know how to raise a girl! But then a boy would be nice for the balance, the lack of competition, and so James can have someone do "boy" things while I'm off doing "girl" things. Either way, I'm just wanted a happy, healthy baby!


Kim said...

Wonderful news! Already feeling Baby flutter - looks like an active baby :)

jungcine said...

What?!?! Congratulations!!!

I just saw your link from my blog from a comment made long long time ago and I came to find this. Wow! Congratulations again!! I think you'll enjoy the 2nd one more.. since you know what to expect you can enjoy the good times of being pregnant. ^^*

Jacob said...

So exciting! we need to catch up soon! let me know when u have time. btw, i have updated our blog (finally) and plan on not being to lazy this time. *wink*