Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Missed a "First"?

One of the things that I regret most about having to be a working mom is that I'm probably going to miss a lot of Claire's "firsts". I've come to terms with it some knowing that after a "first" will always come a "second", a "third", and then it'll just become the everyday norm. If I can't see it right when it happens, well she'll just get used to having to repeat it for me again.

Another thing that makes me feel better is that I might not even recognize if I did see the first ... take yesterday for example. Claire's teachers were so excited that she was copying them by patting another baby on the back that was being burped. It was a pretty big deal, but I don't know that I would have necessarily noted the behavior at being a milestone or first! So maybe it's a good thing that we have those teachers around to tell us when to be excited about the mini-milestones. :)

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