I saw this on Corrie’s blog and really liked what she shared. I took a stab at mine below and found out it’s a lot harder than you would think! If you happen to do this yourself, send me your answers!
- i am: proud to be a wife, mother, daughter, friend, employee, manager, woman
- i dream: in 1st person and techno-color
- i think: I’m a pretty nice person, for the most part
- i know: that I know so little
- i want: to retire in 10 years (you hear that, James?)
- i have: everything that I truly need
- i wish: I could work part-time with the same money and benefits
- i hate: being so far away from family
- i miss: sleep … glorious, uninterrupted, just-because-you-can-sleep sleep!
- i fear: that I’ll forget to stop and smell the roses
- i feel: blessed to have so much
- i hear: the wheels turning as I scheme up a new adventure
- i smell: with my nose much better than James
- i crave: hugs and kisses
- i search: for my keys every morning because I never put them in the same place
- i wonder: what I’ll be when I grow up
- i regret: nothing for too long; what’s the point?
- i love: wholly with no reservations
- i ache: having to leave Claire every morning
- i care: too much sometimes
- i always: see things from both sides of the story
- i am not: the person who will decide where to eat
- i believe: in miracles
- i dance: with Claire to make her laugh
- i sing: out loud in the car, usually with the wrong lyrics
- i cry: in secret
- i don’t always: say what I’m really thinking
- i hope: I am a good role model for my daughter
- i fight: as little as possible but to the death for what I truly believe in
- i write: emails instead of picking up the phone
- i lose: my train of thought more than I … what was I saying?
- i listen: with my heart, then my head
- i can usually be found: online
- i need: to admit when I need help
- i am happy about: being alive
- i desire: to be a better wife, mother, daughter, and friend
1 comment:
I finished my i... list. You were right, it is a lot harder than it looks :)
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