With Claire, I found out I was pregnant with our Sweet Pee on Father's Day 2007. With this Pee-Nut, I found out just before Mother's Day this year. I have to say that James and I went through various emotional stages -- think shock, denial -- before settling on excitement and happiness.
I laugh as I finish this posting because I had originally written this:
So far, the pregnancy hasn't been too bad. I'm proud to say that, although I've had morning sickness pretty much the whole first trimester ("morning" sickness is such a misnomer!), I have yet to actually throw up. Oddly enough, I've had a lot of heartburn, but it's nothing Tums can't knock out.
Yeah. No sooner than I had typed that little ditty, I ended up with my head in the toilet for about a week. Those of you with delicate stomachs, I'd stop reading now. It started on Monday, 6/22 with me being nauseated from the moment I woke up. The rolling continued as I drove to work and finally manifested as I drove past freshly cut grass right by the parking garage. Luckily, I had a bag of animal crackers right beside me ... needless to say, those were thrown out, and I will never look at animal crackers the same.
Fast forward 2 hours by which time I had spent the entire morning in the women's restroom (well, trying to leave but immediately having to turn back around) and apologizing curses to anyone that walked in. And so ended my indecision on when to tell folks at my office. I let my boss and secretary know and headed home. Hey, if I'm going to spend that much time hugging a toilet, it might as well be mine! The rest of the week wasn't much better with me mostly eating a couple of crackers and other bland, starchy foods.
But, one week after it started, it stopped. I woke up Monday morning and, after slowly cracking one eye opened, realized I felt fine! Woo-hoo! Not wanting to jinx it, I gave it another day before declaring victory. Now hopefully I can enjoy the next few weeks ... until I start complaining during the last trimester again. :)
So, that's that! Guess Claire's not going to be an only child after all. No decisions have been made yet; I figure we'll find out if it's a boy or girl first (mid-August) and then start deciding things ... or just play it by ear. I mean, we're pros by now, right? ;)